------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grids of protoplanetary disk models ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Woitke, Christophe Pinte, Ian Tilling, Francois Menard, Inga Kamp, Wing-Fai Thi, Gaspard Duchene, Jean-Charles Augereau, and the DIANA team ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The development of the tool and the DENT grid (Disk Evolution with Neat Theory) was initiated as part of the Herschel Open Time Key Programme GASPS. The tool and the grids were further developed as part of the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7-2011 DIANA under grant agreement no. 284405 (DIsc ANAlysis). We distribute this tool and these data for use on the condition of acknowledging the paper that describe the DENT grid and the following grant acknowledgement: Woitke, P., Pinte, C., Tilling, I., MĂ©nard, F., Kamp, I., Thi, W.-F., DuchĂȘne, G., Augereau, J.-C. 2010, MNRAS 405, L26 Kamp, I., Woitke, P., Pinte, C., Tilling, I., Thi, W.-F., Menard, F., Duchene, G., Augereau, J.-C. 2011, A&A 532, A85 The grids used in this work were developed as part of the the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7-2011 DIANA under grant agreement no. 284405 (DIsc ANAlysis). xDENT v1.2, 12.12.2014 ====================== * unpack ... > tar -xvzf DENTgrid-data.tar.gz > tar -xvzf betaGRID-data.tar.g > tar -xvzf xDENTcode.tar.gz that should result in the following directories and files ... DENTgrid/ : DENT grid master files betaGRID/ : betaGRID master and auxiliary files xDENT/ : the idl widget for visualisation README : this file * start the idl widget by ... > cd xDENT > idl IDL> .r xDENT * choose database and read the data into xDENT with Menu->Select database->DENT (or betaGRID) press "read data" First time will be very slow (~1min), reading formatted data. Next time reading should take only a few seconds, unformatted data. * example plot: [OI]63 versus continuum at 70 mic (color coded for UV excess) Menu->Axis->select x-axis Choose Fcont(70mic) from the "variable" box and log scale (right hand size). Enter 0.1 and 50. for min and max (flux in Jy). Menu->Axis->select y-axis ... Choose O_63.2 from the "variable" box and log scale (right hand size). Enter 1.e-19 and 1.e-14 for min and max (flux in W/m^2). Menu->Axis->color coding ... Choose fUV from the "variable" box, log scale (right hand size) and number of colors = 2. Menu->Plotting->plot means This displays a plot of [OI]63 mic line flux versus continuum flux at 70 mic. The x-axis is subdivided into equal logarithmic flux intervals. In each interval, the mean value of the [OI] line flux of all disk models in that interval is displayed and the corresponding standard deviation is indicated by the bars. Color coded are the two different stellar UV excess values (fUV). * change axis and colors with ... Menu->Axis->select x-axis ... Menu->Axis->select y-axis ... Menu->Axis->color coding ... Use "auto" for min/max, or enter a valid number to specify variable range, e.g. 1.E-18 (always linear). Not all combinations of ratios x/y will work, because they might have different rank/dimension: model_ID ... Td_pH2O :: disk model quantities CII_157 ... pH2O_144 :: line quantities Fcont(0.55mic) ... Fcont(3000mic) :: SED quantities You can only define ratios of two quantities in same group. * filter values with ... Menu->Axis->filter values ... Choose the derived quantity/observable to filter on and the min/max value * make a sub-selection of the grid via the various combo-boxes. You can specify a value of a parameter, a minimum, a maximum, or a range. Syntax is "value", ">=value", "<=value", or "value1--value2". Then ... press "select" * make plot with ... Menu->Plotting->plot points all models shown as dots (if defined also with color scale) Menu->Plotting->encircle models this shows the contours encircling 68% of the model dots Menu->Plotting->plot means this shows vertical bars indicating the range in which 68% of the models fall Menu->Plotting->contour means this shows the contours using the means Menu->Plotting->histogram this shows the number of models binned for the x-axis parameter as a histogram * make a quick gif-plot with ... press "save GIF" * make a customized ps-plot with ... Menu->Plotting->nice .ps output? You will then be asked for a name, for example myplot.dat. Next, you can run on the IDL command line input IDL> .r myplot to create myplot.ps. You can change myplot.dat and myplot.pro to make it nicer. * load observations with ... press "load OBS" this lets you load a file with observations (ASCII) that contains observed wavelengths [micron] and continuum fluxes [Jy]. Observed line fluxes are not yet implemented, but will be included in future releases. Look at the example file "etaCHA15.dat". * fit your observations with ... enter distance in "distance[pc]" press "fit OBS" This will search for the models that fit your observations best. It's a chi^2-fit in log(flux). Better make a sub-selection of the grid data first, or it will take some time :-) The fit will select the 10 best-fitting models. You can re-draw your 2D-plot with Menu->Plotting->2D-plot and it will now contain only those 10 models. * plot model SEDs with ... press "plot_SED" This lets you visualize the SEDs of the first 10 selected models. Keep on pressing "plot_SED". The idl main window will show details about this model. xDENT is still under development. Feel free to ask for additional features (pw31@st-andrews.ac.uk) Peter Woitke and the DIANA team, March 2015