Based on an improved ProDiMo version, we developed a disc model for the quiescent state of the T Tauri star EX Lupi that can simultaneously fit the SED, the overall spectral shape of the JWST spectrum, and all important molecular emission features in the continuum-subtracted JWST spectrum between 4.9 μm and 7.5 μm, and between 13 μm and 17.7 μm, including CO, H2 O, OH, C2 H2 , HCN, CO2 , and H2 (Woitke+2023). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a full Spitzer or JWST line spectrum has been fitted using the complex 2D disc structure of a thermo-chemical model, with consistent dust opacities, molecular concentrations, and calculated dust and gas temperatures.