Abundant Hydrocarbons
Abundant Hydrocarbons
Using the zero-dimensional LTE SLAB-models that are part of ProDi...
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CAI formation in the early Solar Nebula
CAI formation in the early Solar Nebula
  This paper proposes a pathway to form mm-sized, pure, and...
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Fitting the EX Lupi JWST line & continuum spectrum with ProDiMo
Fitting the EX Lupi JWST line & continuum spectrum with ProDiMo
Based on an improved ProDiMo version, we developed a disc model f...
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ALMA gaps
ALMA gaps
ProDiMo can predict continuum images and molecular line channel m...
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ice absorption
ice absorption
One of the latest developments of ProDiMo is to include ice opaci...
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Disk winds
Disk winds
We use hydrodynamic photoevaporative disk-wind models and post-pr...
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Chemical processes
Chemical processes
ProDiMo's goal is to model the chemistry and heating/cooling bala...
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Heating and Cooling
Heating and Cooling
At each point in the disk, ProDiMo solves the gas heating and coo...
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surface chemistry
surface chemistry
ProDiMo is now able to take into account surface chemical process...
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The hydration of rocks can optionally be included as a time-depen...
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Chemical rate networks
Chemical rate networks
With ProDiMo you can use various standard chemical rate networks ...
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IR molecular line emission spectra
IR molecular line emission spectra
ProDiMo allows you to generate mid-IR molecular emission line spe...
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CO ro-vibrational emission lines
CO ro-vibrational emission lines
ProDiMo can predict high-resolution infrared line spectra emitted...
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FU Ori outbursts
FU Ori outbursts
In FU Ori type outbursts, driven by episodic accretion, the stellar lu...
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to the official webpage of ProDiMo. ProDiMo (PROtoplanetary DIsk MOdel) is a scientific software package in FORTRAN 90 to model protoplanetary disks including gas phase, X-ray and UV-photo-chemistry, ice formation, gas heating and cooling balance, disk structure and (dust & line) radiative transfer.

How to get access to ProDiMo

ProDiMo is available on a collaborative basis.  The main code is available via a gitlab repository, which comes with examples and tools.  We also have wiki-pages for instructions and a slack channel for online discussion  To get access to ProDiMo, please contact one of the main members of the ProDiMo Team.